Planning & Zoning
Planning & Zoning in Ideal Township is managed under the rules and administration of the Crow Wing County Planning & Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission.
The Ideal Township Board maintains a cooperative relationship with the county planning & zoning board. The board would like to see all planning & zoning requests in Ideal Township prior to the county hearing of the request. The township board supervisors will review each request to determine if it complies with all ordinances and the Ideal Township Community-based Comprehensive Plan. The board will then forward comments to the county board as appropriate prior to the county board hearing of the request.
If you have comments or questions about planning & zoning in Ideal Township, please contact John Bilek, the clerk, or any supervisor.
Contact the township clerk to submit planning & zoning materials relating to your request and to be placed on the next township board meeting agenda.
Contact the county planning & zoning office with questions on ordinances and procedures.
Click to visit the Crow Wing County Planning & Zoning website.
Click below to download a copy of the Ideal Township Community-based Comprehensive Plan.