Ideal Township

Crow Wing County - Minnesota

Groundbreaking - Retired Fire Truck Display Project

Monday, September 12, 2011

A group of local citizens, township officers and firemen gathered recently to mark a groundbreaking for a new addition to the Ideal Park. The active & retired firemen, led by Dave Badger, have proposed a building to house and display the fire department's 1949 Pumper Truck and other historical items from the fire department's 35 years of service to the community.

The building will be located behind the playground area and will have large windows on two sides so that visitors can view the truck and other items stored there.

The construction of the building is funded by individual donations, matching funds provided by the Ideal Community Service Organization, and with volunteer labor coordinated by the retired firefighters group. Ideal Township is only providing the space for the building, insurance coverage, and on-going maintenance for the building and grounds.

A second phase of the project is also planned which will include walkways and interpretive panels explaining the display and the fire department history.

If you'd like to assist the project or have questions, please contact Dave Badger. Donations for Phase II of the project, volunteer labor, or donations of materials are all welcome.

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